Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Cosmic Joke

Can you laugh at the great cosmic joke?
I'm long gone; If I tried I would choke.
When I look through these eyes
I see old empty lies.

Love's infernal spring — clockwork that's broke!

I'd get down on my knees so to pray.
But can't find any Hope there's a way.
All my dreams are but smoke,
Sure it's time I awoke,
But this nightmare goes on — where's the day!

I would like to have Faith that prevails
But in what? To my sense it assails.
I'll just waste what time's left
In mere games (though bereft
Of all meaning). I'm lost — my heart quails!

In these dark nights of the soul, even the strongest hearts shake, minds doubt, bodies shiver and spirits shrivel. When in those times, the best you can do is to laugh at the cosmic joke that is man's apparent condition! There is light to be found in the new dawn -– but you must pass the test of the long night's journey into the day.