Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Cold Dark Matter

Are there forces of virile attraction
Guiding all of creation? His action
Seen in fractal-based forms
Emerges and warms
Cold dark matter (a MACHO abstraction).

But expansion rates still seem to rise.
Mass of MACHOs and WIMPs can comprise
About 20%
(Normal stuff makes no dent),
Plus new forms in dark energy's guise.

It takes faith to believe in such stuff.
As they're not seen directly, it's tough.
We're just asked to accept,
Since some men are adept
With such leaps — could it be just a bluff?

virile: characteristic of a potent and active male figure

The cold dark matter (or CDM) assumption of the standard model of cosmology is that most of the matter in the universe consists of material that cannot be observed by its electromagnetic radiation. However, CDM is inferred through its gravitational attraction and warping of space-time. One prediction of the theory is the existence of MACHOs (massive compact halo objects), whereby much of the CDM consists of condensed objects such as black holes, neutron stars, white dwarfs, very faint stars, or other non-luminous objects.

In addition to MACHOs there are thought to be weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs); these particles are elusive and as of March 2008 remain unobserved.However, the observed acceleration in the expansion of the universe cannot be accounted for by the effects of CDM alone. CDM accounts for some 27% of the mass-energy required (and "regular" matter of familiar atoms accounts for some 5%).

The remaining curvature of space-time is thought to be contributed by "dark energy", which makes up the remaining 68%.There are contending theories that require less multiplication of entities, but at the expense of tinkering with the equations of general relativity.