Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Theories of Everything

The constituent notes of reality,
Are they: vibrating string musicality?
Or a resonant cavity —
Based on loop quantum gravity?
Perhaps thought conducts universality?

Amongst the competing theories of what represents the ultimate constituent of the universe's reality are:
  1. String theory (e.g., Super-string theory, M-theory) - often described as vibrating strings of energy. The Japanese-American physicist Michio Kaku says, "... the universe is a symphony and the laws of physics are harmonies of a super-string." Parallel Universes, BBC Science & Nature, Horizon, 2002.
  2. Loop Quantum Gravity theory (e.g., LQG theory) - sometimes modeled in terms of a quantization of space-time into resonant energetic "cavities".
  3. Idealism - Our consciousness causes collapse of the universal wave function to bring perceived reality come into being.