Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Consciousness Causes Collapse

Many worlds may exist, and perhaps,
If our consciousness causes collapse
Of the total wave function —
From states of conjunction —

The chosen emergent path snaps

Consider the problem of precognition of the result from throwing a die in a game. If at the point of a game-player's anticipation multiple realities are possible (following the many-worlds interpretation of quantum theory), and the conscious choice of the player determines the path of his time-line (according to the quantum-mind theory), then a normal player visualizes multiple scenarios of equal probability (e.g., when casting a die he sees six scenarios each with one sixth likelihood – this is the conjunction, or superposition, of all possible states and can be represented as a total, or universal, wave function).

Precognition in such a model would be assumed if the player is able to collapse the future time-line to just one scenario (e.g., predict a result and then throw it – this is called the collapse of the wave function to an observable state) by an act of will. If the future is aligned to his choice it will look like a conscious act of will; if the player sees the future scenarios, but has no control over selection, it will look like an unconscious act of will. If a person believes in his unconscious that future choice is random, then that is what he sees, even if he consciously wishes it to be otherwise (he unconsciously manifests a random world).

To gain conscious control of the collapse (perhaps through the Law of Attraction) he needs to align his conscious and unconscious will by removing his unconscious doubt, through assent in faith — one issue remains — faith in what?

PS: I'm not a fan of the Law of Attraction if what you seek is to attract unfairness, greed and partiality.